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Finding my way on this journey, this path that at times is so clear in inspiration but foggy in process has always proved to be my biggest challenge in pursuing my creative dreams.  I’m quite good at having an idea, manifesting the item, and then moving on to the next idea. The problem is, my ideas have been all over the board medium wise. Now being a jack- of- all trades has been fun and exciting, but I am really feeling the call to become a master at my childhood dreams of being an artist, a painter, a drawing machine!

I signed up for Stephanie Levy’s Creative Courage class to help navigate my way through the maze of fears, conditioning, fogginess, and lack of knowledge that ultimately paralyzes my efforts before I even begin.

This past week we created wish jars, or boxes. Inside these boxes are the affirmations of what we want in order for our creative dreams to find success. But, not only are they just affirmations, we had to spend time really identifying and clarifying what these things and ideas were in detail.  Afterall, it is hard to know how to get where we want to be when we don’t even know where we are going!

I decided to include my family in this exercise! I felt it was important that we honored our deepest desires as a unit as well as individuals. My man, and my youngest daughter finished the project alongside me. My oldest daughter was so absorbed in her book that we couldn’t entice her out. Then again, it became quickly obvious she was already living out her perfect day of creative dreams!

Some pics. of our boxes, below!